Archive for May 4th, 2008

Things are a-brewing…

Posted by Catherine on May 4, 2008

…I can’t believe how fast the days are flying by! It still feels like it was just yesterday that I was shopping like crazy after I had just discovered The Board. Well, I’m still shopping like crazy, but things they are a-happening!

I know I haven’t posted very much pictures and things, but as SOON as my BIRTHDAY GIRL, Marti, gets her birthday present, I can start talking more about all the new things I’ve “discovered” and all the new plans I’ve got!

The Sugar & Scraps BeadPops line is doing well. I still get SUCH a THRILL every time I check my E-Mail and see that there’s an order. I sit there giggling before I get up to put the order together. Haven’t hung out in the lab for too long coming up with new things. Right now I’m just working on inventory and making sure I have packages of everything that seems quite popular. Definitely been working on a system to get them done faster.

I have so much other things I want to talk about but a little waiting never hurt anybody!

Well, it’s not my blog if I didn’t say I did a little SHOPPING!

The Mister and I spent a much needed full day together and it was so nice to roam around hand-in-hand and just be together. And it was EVEN better that we did all that at IKEA. Oh YEAH BABY!

So at this time, I can’t afford the EXPEDIT bookcases just yet (I am SO coveting!) but I picked up these SUPER cute jars – 4 for $3.99 and also this SUPER COOL magnetic bar that I can put metal tins on. OMG, I’m SO wishing I didn’t leave my USB cable at work because I am completely BESIDE myself with how fabulous it looks. I was at M’s today and found some BE-YOOOO-TIFUL Primas and the large flowers fit PERFECTLY in the tin and I divided the medium-sized Primas in the other two tins. Looks SO good.

I also got a long bar (kind of looks like a towel holder) and these ‘S’ shaped hooks and these porcelain (?) buckets to hang. I can’t even begin to describe it right, so I’ll just have to wait until they’re up and I can take pictures. Just GREAT things! I spent about…$40. The other $10 went towards the $1 hotdogs, cinnamon buns and icecream! I had The Mister with me so of course there were a lot of $1 hotdogs. IKEA is the BEST!

Alright, I’ve got to peek into my scraproom to see if I want to organize the huge mound of mess that is now hiding my desk. I can’t wait until The Mister hangs all my new purchases!

One last thing before I skidaddle:



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