Me & Skittles

A Little Bit About ME!


Name: Catherine
AKA: SillySkittles
Birthdate: January 22
Status: Married
Location: Ontario, CANADA
Occupation: Account Administrator
Design Team: Pez-a-Doodle Designs





March 24, 2009
Successfully completed the Copic Certification course offered by Copic Marker and taught by Marianne Walker, Copic Marker Product Specialist.

SillySkittles on Papercraft Planet
SillySkittles on Cricut Message Board
SillySkittles on
SillySkittles on Splitcoast Stampers
SillySkittles on Creative Keepsakes

Yahoo Groups
All Things Tim
Bellaholics Anonymous
Pez-a-Doodle Designs

Book(s): Had to add the (s) because I don’t have just one, I love ALL of the books in the Harry Potter series, Twilight Series, anything by John Grisham and Sophie Kinsella.  Aside from those, I just recently finished reading ROOTS which I also loved.
Movie: What Dreams May Come – favourite movie of all time!
Colour: Most of the time it’s pink, but it usually changes constantly depending on my mood

i’m a five-foot-nothing-glasses-losing-contact-lens-wearing-multiple-journal-blogger-creating-picture-taking-scrapbook/card-making-message-board-lurking-harry-potter-reading-guitar-hero-playing-in-the-shower-singing-honda-driving-garlic-shrimp-pasta-eating-at-work-procrastinating-romantic-comedy-watching-wallet-breaking-obsessive-shopping-husband-loving-always-laughing-sometimes-not so nice-never-serious-usually-silly-kind-of-sassy-all-the-time-sarcastic kind of girl

It’s not a huuuge thing, but I would be the SillySkittles that the Skittle beads were named after.  Not the “skittles” that the makers of Dew Drops claim to be, because let’s face it, Dew Drops are…well…Dew Drops.  The Skittle bead is the collaborated concoction of Marti (of Pez-a-Doodle Designs) and myself.  On one of my crazy crafty shopping trips to M’s about a year ago, I saw these packages of bead-looking things on an endcap and tossed them in my basket, thinking that I don’t know what the heck they are or what to do with them, but I’d probably be able to come up with something.  As I didn’t have much back then, I posted my little shopping finds on the Cricut Messageboard and post a sample of what I thought they could be used for and it just completely picked up from there!  All of a sudden people were asking where these beads could be found (Decoractive Accents as they are actually called).  After a little bit of time in the scraproom, I had discovered that I could play up these little cuties even more by drawing polkadots, swirls and covering them with glitter.  I used them on my projects and Avra aka Swimmom, a Cricut board member suggested that we dub these beads Skittles (after me *big goofy grin*) instead of just saying “those beads”.  Marti then took it a step further and was like, “HEY!  What about using Alcohol Inks to colour them?”  And well…I don’t call her my Alcohol Ink Yoda for nothing!  I tried them out and did those little beadies ever look goooood (*coughs* I mean, if I do say so myself…)  From then on the Skittles name TOTALLY stuck and people were going into Michael’s and other craft stores asking if they had Skittles! *LOL*

And that’s the story of me and Skittles!  I began to sell them on my Etsy site under the name BeadPops – SwirlyPops, PolkaPops, SugarPops being the most popular because I wasn’t sure if I was actually allowed to use the name Skittles for my beads, seeing as there already was a Skittles in existence, albeit the edible kind and mine were not.  The best part of it all was that Marti picked up my line and began to carry them in her store! w00t!  From there, after awesome eeearly morning idea exchanges, chats and fabulous ideas brought to life, the Skittle beads branched out to RainbowPops – a collection of multicolored beads in themed hues and even MORE exciting, the Skittles branched out even further into SkitterBugs – custom BUG Skittles with their own coordinating STAMP SET – an EXCLUSIVE collaboration by myself and Marti from Pez-a-Doodle Designs who designed the stamps to go with the little buggers.  So that’s that about that folks…I have been seeing that a lot of “bead” companies have been referring to their product as ‘aka Skittles’ which I TRY not to let irk me too much, but don’t be fooled…if they were actually the Skittle bead…well, than they’d be from SillySkittles and Pez-a-Doodle Designs which is the only store to carry them exclusively!


6 Responses to “Me & Skittles”

  1. I love your site. Keep it up !

  2. […] hi all!  i have a couple new things to show y’all today that I am really excited about and i hope you will be too.  first up skittles!  if you are from the cricut board then you know what skittles are – if not then you may know them by another name – dew drops being the most popular.  Not sure why they are called skittles?  you can read that story over on Catherine’s blog. […]

  3. Avra said

    HaHa! I’m famous! Or is that infamous?
    I’m so glad someone remembers the origin of the Skittles madness! I still chuckle everytime I see a reference to them or a question about them on the Cricut mb! It’s especially funny when people say they go into stores asking for them and the salespeople don’t know what they’re talking about!

  4. Corrie said

    I was hoping you could help me, I am trying to use the pearlescent medium on the skittles and its not working.

  5. wearing contact lenses is sometimes hard and you always need to clean it for hygiene :’.

  6. All of the novels of John Grisham are very good, i love all the stories ,;*

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